Congratulations, you’re getting married!  After announcing the wonderful news to all your friends and family, you’re probably now knee-deep in all the wedding planning.  You’ve probably already lined up your wedding party, booked the venue, hired the photographer, and tried on some wedding dresses and tuxedos.  What a fun and memorable experience this will all surely be!

But what have you done to ensure marital success for the lifetime that you and your future spouse will spend together?  Sadly, most couples in our society invest more time preparing for their wedding day than they do their marriage, and our staggering divorce rates may reflect the error in that practice.  Fortunately, there’s wonderful news with young adults these days!

Young adults are motivated about making their marriage go the distance.  For example, 87% of young adults age 18-30 plan to marry eventually, and 82% plan to be married for life!  More young couples are seeking out premarital coaching – and with good reason. It’s “associated with higher levels of marital satisfaction, lower levels of destructive conflicts and higher levels of commitment.” 1

In fact, research shows that couples are 31% less likely to get divorced if they receive some sort of premarital education before they marry.  These couples gain the knowledge they need before they settle into patterns that are destructive to a relationship.  On top of that, couples who go through premarital coaching of some sort experience a 30% increase in marital success and fulfillment over those who don’t. 

So it looks like the fact that you’re already on this website puts you in great company with many like-minded and wise couples.  I applaud you for taking this first step to a lasting and fulfilling marriage. I look forward to coming alongside you on this amazing journey.

Please complete and submit the Coaching Request Form on the right to schedule your coaching sessions today.


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