A Purpose Driven Marriage Podcast
New episodes released every Tuesday!
5 Powerful Ways To Affair-Proof Your Marriage
Wondering how to keep your marriage strong, faithful, and fun? In our newest A Purpose-Driven Marriage episode, we dive into five powerful ways to “affair-proof” your marriage! These practical, easy-to-apply “guardrails” can help keep your marriage on the right track,...
We’re Back! Surviving Life’s Chaos and Strengthening Your Marriage
We're Back! Life can be unpredictable, can’t it? We owe our listeners a big apology for our recent hiatus, but also a huge thank you for the encouragement you sent our way. Your messages, support, and check-ins truly kept us going, and we’re beyond grateful! The past...
What Women Want (In Their Marriage)
Hey there! Are you ready to uncover the real secrets of what women truly want in marriage? Duane is out of town so I'm on the mic solo in this episode of A Purpose Driven Marriage podcast, and I dive deep into some of the most powerful (and often overlooked) ways to...
Why Your Marriage Can Use A Couple Getaway
Today, I want to dive into a topic that's close to my heart and has the power to inject a serious dose of romance and rejuvenation into your relationship.– the absolute awesomeness of going on a couple getaway. Now, you might be wondering, "Why should we bother with...
From Conflict to Connection: Understanding Your Relationship Conflict Style – Part Two
Did you know that your conflict style or how you resolve conflict can predict whether or not you'll have a successful relationship? That's right. Your conflict style makes a difference. According to Dr. John Gottman of the Gottman Institute, the single greatest...
From Conflict to Connection: Understanding Your Relationship Conflict Style – Part One
Did you know that the way you fight or how you resolve conflict can predict whether or not you'll have a successful relationship? That's right. According to Dr. John Gottman of the Gottman Institute, the single greatest predictor for a successful marriage is...
Sorry Not Sorry…How to Apologize And Mean It
Apologizing can be a challenging task for many people, but knowing how to apologize is an essential part of maintaining healthy relationships. In episode 17 of "A Purpose Driven Marriage Podcast," Duane and Nadine go over the framework of the most effective kind of...
Decoding The 5 Love Languages
Love is a beautiful thing, but sometimes expressing it can be a bit tricky. Enter Gary Chapman and his book "The 5 Love Languages," which has sold over 13 million copies worldwide since it was first published in 1992. Chapman's framework breaks down love into five...
Help! We Have Trust Issues
We often hear that trust is the foundation of a successful marriage, and studies confirm it. In fact, according to a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, 81% of married couples say that trust is one of the most important factors in a successful...
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Are you looking for real answers to the real-life challenges in your marriage?
A Purpose-Driven Marriage is a weekly podcast addressing the common struggles that husbands and wives face and the actionable, practical tips couples can take to overcome these obstacles and build strong marriages.
Duane and Nadine Stewart – married over 23 years and parents to six kids – will encourage, educate, and equip you for a thriving marriage of deep intimacy and lasting legacy.
Join us every Tuesday as we help you strive for marriage as God designed it and not as the world has defined it!
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