Have you ever heard the term “work wife” or “work husband”? 

It’s a concept that has gained popularity over the years and refers to a close relationship between two colleagues, often of opposite sexes, who share a strong emotional bond and provide each other with support, advice, and companionship in the workplace – much like one would with a spouse.

But is this concept simply a harmless term of endearment with potential career benefits? Or is it a potentially dangerous threat to marriage that could create opportunities for boundaries to be crossed?

Several studies and research haven been conducted with mixed results.

One study conducted by the American Psychological Association found that employees with a work spouse reported higher levels of job satisfaction, felt more supported at work, and were less likely to experience conflicts with their colleagues.

In fact, the study found that having a work spouse can even lead to greater productivity and job performance.

However, according to a study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, individuals who have a close relationship with a coworker of the opposite sex are more likely to experience marital problems, including decreased marital satisfaction, increased marital conflict, and a higher likelihood of divorce.

The study also found that the more time and emotional energy individuals invested in their work spouse, the greater the negative impact on their marriage. This is because emotional intimacy with someone other than a spouse can lead to feelings of betrayal, jealousy, and ultimately, a breakdown in trust.

Tune in to Episode 14 of A Purpose Driven Marriage Podcast to hear Duane and Nadine break this down further. Duane shares some additional shocking research about what’s actually happening in the workplace (and at home) when people develop a “work spouse.”

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